Kitchen Remodel Philadelphia, PA

Taking Care of Your Small Kitchen Appliances Keeps Money in Your Pocket

Over time, the average person will spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on small Kitchen appliances. While some of the smaller items aren’t too expensive to replace, some of the larger ticket items (such as foodprocessors and high-end mixers) can be costly. Taking proper care of these items is easy and takes little effort. Here are some tips to help extend the life of your appliances and keep that cash in your pocket.

  • Always clean and dry Kitchen appliances as soon as you’re done using them.
  • Pay special attention to drying anything made out of metal, such as blades found in food processors and blenders. This will prevent rust.
  • For toasters, make sure to clean the slide-out tray located near the bottom. Keeping this space clear of crumbs will reduce the chance of fire or attracting bugs.
  • The best way to clean a microwave is to boil a mug of water in it. The steam from the water will help to loosen any food that has been stuck to the insides. Using an abrasive-free cloth or sponge will allow you to easily wipe away old food or residue.
  • To clean the inside of appliances such as the dishwasher blender, or food chopper, a simple solution of water mixed with vinegar does a great job. Generally, a half-cup of vinegar to one gallon of water works best. This cleaner also works well for floors and even windows.
  • With any item you are cleaning, make sure to keep the cords away from water. It is also important to remember to keep appliances unplugged for safety.
  • To keep the garbage disposal clean, put a little liquid soap into it, turn it on and run the cold water on high for about 3 minutes. Keeping the water cold will help to solidify any grease and then allows the disposal blades to break it up. If you’re looking to get a fresh scent for the disposal, cut a lemon in quarters and drop it in, then turn on the disposal. The fresh scent of lemons will last for several hours. In addition, one of the best ways to keep the garbage disposal in good working order is to use it frequently. This allows the blades to rotate and the keep the unit from rusting since it is constantly exposed to water.

Using these tips will help to keep your appliances in good working order and looking good as well, but remember to always read the manufacturer’s instructions that come with each appliance when purchased. Some units have pieces that come apart and others do not. Knowing exactly how your unit works helps to keep it working properly.