Green Family Rooms

Giving Your Family Room the Green Touch

    1. Consider Renewable Flooring:  Products such as bamboo flooring is becoming the poster child for green flooring because of its clean, classy, and natural look and renewable properties. Bamboo is so solid that it can handle nicks and spills that come with child’s play or pets.  Cork is another great choice, but only if you don’t have cats or dogs.
   2.  Let There Be Light: We’re all guilty of leaving the lights on.  If you and your family tend to be forgetful in this area, consider remote lighting systems where the lights turn on when you walk in and turn off when you leave.  Knowing that the lights will be off when they’re supposed to be will save you money.  Consider using compact-fluorescent lights (CFL’s), light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, lighter or brighter-colored lights, or dimmers to save on energy while the lights are on.
    3. Saving Space is Very Green: Making the most of your space without cluttering it up with large items will allow you to create more room for what is most important to you.  There are many streamlined products on the market, such as flat-screen plasma TV’s, more compact audio systems, and speakers that can be built into the walls.  Cabinetry using recycled wood and finishes, and painted with low or zero volatile organic compounds (VOC) paints, can be built to size around your home theater system.
    4. Cool It Down with Ceiling Fans: Ceiling fans are a great investment, and can help reduce your energy bill. Use one that is the appropriate size for your room.  Be sure to install an energy efficient bulb if your fan has a light fixture in it.
    5. Get Air Tight with Energy Efficient Windows and Doors: You don’t want to ignore this area, especially if your room is in your Basement and you have a walk-out Basement.  Always choose double-paned windows and consider having them glazed with Low E coating to moderate the amount of heat that enters your home during both hot and cold weather extremes. 

Happy Remodeling!

Next Time…Organizing Spaces

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